Born in 1974 in the capital of Turkey, Ankara, Burak Karavit spent his childhood in Istanbul, which is one of the largest cosmopolitan cities in Europe. Drawing and Photography were always his favorite activities, and this interest channeled him into pursuing an art career early on. Upon earning the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Marmara University’s Fine Arts Faculty, Mr. Karavit started his professional career as a Graphic Designer. This enabled him to learn and experiment on the technics of the profession since the first-ever computers had just been introduced for photo manipulation and print production. Paying his dues along the way within various well-known design agencies in Istanbul, he had worked his way upwards to become an Art Director. After that period, he co-founded his own design agency, executing several successful campaigns for mid to large-sized corporations. During that time, Mr. Karavit got the chance to experiment more with Photography and decided to pursue this branch of Art professionally which he was approaching as a hobby. Thus, he had moved his career path towards fine arts and Photography, where his real passion and love for the profession emerged. He worked as a product photographer and as a post-production editor for more than two decades.
What paved the way to the marvelously collaged digital artworks was his love of Photography and the technical abilities that he had been able to combine and weave it all together. Some of these large-scale digital collages intertwine countless unique images that could go into the Guinness World Records Book in terms of the most images combined for an artwork category and hide independent stories within each art piece. Art is a great storytelling medium, and Mr. Karavit is hoping to achieve his stories to be reached out to the audiences through his unique perspective, extensive research, and multi-discipline experience.